Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

Yin is complementary to Yang. It is the perfect style of yoga to balance Yang activity (sport, weight training, etc.) and Yang life (stress, over worked, hectic lifestyle and lack of sleep).


In a Yin practice to keep safe we come in slowly to poses and work with each individuals natural range of motion. Poses are held for long enough to read the bodies signals usually anywhere between 3-10mins and then released slowly.

It’s a slower, deeper and gentler style where you get to sink in, release, and feel the flow and flush of new blood, nutrients and energy into locked and blocked areas. Yin poses work deeply into bones, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, fascia and meridians.

Yin yoga is beneficial in so many ways. Physically to have more ease of comfort when sitting still and have increased grace & fluidity in movement. Energetically for increased vitality and harmony. Emotionally to have acceptance of emotions and feelings. Mentally for clarity and radiance of mind and developing personal insight.

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